Indonesia became prosperous and developed country is the dream of the people of Indonesia. Can be said to be a prosperous country if it has a lot of income for the state treasury sector for development. Income countries will also be abundant welfare of the people. All of it can be achieved if Indonesia to innovate in developing countries.
Making efforts Indonesia Becoming Better in my opinion :
- Foreign trade, the country's wealth Source can be obtained from foreign trade. Prosperous country is a country that is capable of producing more than necessary, so that the excess production is exported, and in turn will add to the prosperity of the country.
- Taxes are not excessive, results of tax increases can be obtained for business prosperity with a tax that is not excessive. Low tax rates could cause many businesses to grow compared to countries with high taxes.
- Do not be too many rules or regulations, efforts that could be made by the government, among others, regulate and resolve overlapping legislation permits. Pruning should be done and simplification of licensing laws.
- Independent in managing all natural resources, Article 33 UUD 1945 reads "Earth, water and natural resources contained therein shall be controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people".
- Utilizing the wealth of the sea, As a maritime country, Indonesia has the potential riches of the sea. we must reorient development, which has been based on the mainland (land-based development) to the sea and islands based (ocean and archipelagic-based development). Ocean and island-based development does not mean negating development on land. Instead, it synergizing between development in the area of land and sea.
- Quality leader, Indonesia needs a leader who has a sense of want to see the country and its people prosperous, the leader should be an expert and have creative innovations to advance all the assets owned by our country.
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